ayurvedic mind/body dominance

The three type of Dosha imbalance

Ayurveda categorizes all symptoms and signs of (dis)stress through the 5 elements in nature.

Pitta - FIRE

The Role of Pitta in Your Body:
Pitta embodies the qualities of fire and water, playing a crucial role in the body's metabolic processes. It represents our internal fire, governing the functions of our digestive organs, biochemical activities, cellular regeneration and transformation, the warmth we produce, and the sparkle in our eyes.

Pitta is the source of our drive and passion.

Symptoms of excessive Pitta, or fire element, include a short temper, anger, criticism, overexertion, migraines, acid reflux, and inflammation.

Learn More About Pitta Dosha

Vata - AIR + ETHER

The Role of Vata in Your Body:
Vata possesses the qualities of air and ether, and its role in the body is to regulate our movements, breathing, the flow of air within us, communication, nervous system functions, and circulation.

Vata is responsible for providing us with movement, inspiration, creativity, and the initiation of new ideas.

A person with too much Vata looks like: Anxiety, lack of routine, an overwhelmed and indecisive mind, and gassiness, bloating, and dryness in the body

Learn More About Vata Dosha


The Role of Kapha in Your Body:
Kapha embodies the qualities of earth and water. This dosha presides over our physical structure and tissue development, acting as the adhesive that binds our bones, muscles, and fat. Kapha ensures lubrication for our organ systems, offering protection.

Kapha gives us strength, stable compassion, and empathy.

An individual with an excess of Kapha may suffer from depression, a lack of motivation, chronic weight issues, avoidance behaviors, swelling, and slow digestion.

Learn More About Kapha Dosha

The doshas are energies circulating in the body, governing all physiological and psychological actions. The human body needs all three in order to function, one is not “better” than the others.

You express the energy of all three doshas, but likely one or two in higher amounts than the others. It's what makes you UNIQUE, and also, what keeps you stuck in the habits you've got.

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