what is ayurveda?

“Life (ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.”

- Charaka Samhita

Ayurveda is the study of life.

Ayurveda teaches us to understand and bring balance to the functions of our bodies.
Digestive health,
sleep patterns,
energy level,
organ function,
hormone production,
nervous system settings,
tendency to gain or lose or hold weight,
skin conditions

…. and more.

Ayurveda teaches us to understand our inherent mental tendencies & how we react to stress.
Anxiety &. depression,
feelings of rage,
negative self talk

…. and so much more.

Why do we want to understand this?

Because we are NOT ALL THE SAME.

There is no one size fits all approach to health & well-being.

“Ayurveda teaches us to cherish our innate-nature – to love and honor who we are, not as what people think or tell us, who we should be.”

- Prana Gogia

Ayurveda recognizes our individual tendencies, and how we perceive the environment taken in with our 5 senses, so we may create a custom balance. And it starts with determining the dosha, or Ayurvedic constitution.

The word dosha is translated as fault....

Your dosha outlines the ways you may be most likely to fall out of balance. How stress affects one person's mind/body is different from another. You may be prone to heartburn after eating the wrong things, while others get diarrhea. You may get angry when stress while others avoid confrontation like the plague.

Knowing your dosha helps you get clear on your physical & mental tendencies,

so you can create supportive lifestyle habits to keep you feeling balanced.

Have you ever taken a dosha quiz? No time like the present. Take our 2-minute dosha assessment here:

In getting clear on the ways you’re most likely to fall out of balance, it becomes FAR EASIER to create daily routines that keep you grounded, stable, and happy. And that’s just the beginning.

Learning the foundations of Ayurvedic living helps detox your body of A LIFETIME of built up emotional and physical weight, and in turn you are been gifted with a sense of empowerment and deep joy like you never knew possible.

this is how your body is designed to feel

... and it’s so lovely.