Your Results Are

Kapha Dominant

Water & Earth Element

You’re likely experiencing ...

A Muddy Mind
Feeling unmotivated to go after your goals, Stuck in negativity,

Avoiding change
Keeping jobs or relationships that are no longer serving you and Inability to stick to your decisions

Troubled Digestion
Slow metabolism, easily gaining or holding weight and incomplete bowel movements

Body Aches
Build up of mucous or allergies, edema or swelling

Sleep Problems
Unable to get out of bed in the morning, feeling lethargic or sluggish through the day

In Despair
Feeling depressed, stuck in grief, unable to find the bright side

In order to feel your best you need to

Balance Your Dosha

Ayurveda takes a whole body approach to healing. Rather than spot treat your depression, your allergies and your fatigue, we treat for too much earth and water, TOO MUCH EARTH & WATER, using simple formulas that have worked for thousands of years, to bring the Kapha body back to balance. And it’s so much more straightforward than you think.


sure, there’s Diet Changes

But it probably comes down to just a handful of ingredients you need to change, or more likely, just a slight change to the times of day when you’re eating


might be some Herbal Supplements

But not forever, and nothing that costs hundreds of dollars (it’s often herbs that are already in your kitchen)


and of course, Lifestyle Changes

But I’m talking easy, 2-minute practices that make a huge difference (no hours spent in meditation or downward dog)

get more information on your imbalance

GET UNSTUCK with this simple guide designed SPECIFICALLY for Kapha dosha


A couple Quick tips on Treating Kapha imbalance

If you’re tired of running behind the ball… here’s a few key lifestyle shifts to help you balance on it.



The trouble with too much Kapha is it causes stagnancy in the body. You need to help yourself get moving - where better to start than your blood? Dry brushing your body increases circulation, improves lymphatic drainage, flushes toxins and gets your energy flowing just as well as exercise can! Kick excess kapha to the curb by dry brushing your skin before you get dressed in the morning.


Rolling out of bed with zero minutes to spare is a less than motivating way to start the day. This week, the moment you stand up from bed, get your body moving. I’m not talking jumping jacks, I’m talking like wiggles, or random arm flails. Heck even if it's “bed yoga” (aka rolling around stretching for a minute then getting up). You won’t regret it.


The best diet for a Kapha includes pungent, astringent and bitter foods. Cleansing, purifying greens and herbs flush the body of the mucous that tends to build and toxins that tend to hold on with Kapha imbalance. Adding a squeeze of lemon to your water bottle is a suuuper low barrier to awesome option. And don’t worry about making a fancy salad with arugula. Grab some from your local store, market, or neighbors garden, and just eat a couple handfuls of it while you make dinner. This super-high-fiber food will help you digest the rest of your meal.


Sprinkle some cinnamon and turmeric in hot water and sip it through the day. You won’t believe the difference

Not all health advice is for you.

In fact, some of the health trends out there would be downright harmful (morning smoothies I’m lookin’ at you. Cold, wet and heavy liquid in the morning is a no go for sluggish Kapha!).


These ideas might seem simple
& that's because they are.

We make life look so much harder than it needs to be. I'm here to tell you, it's little things like this that WILL change your life, one little practice at a time.


Ready for sustainable change that feels GOOD?

If you’re tired of FADs, tired of feeling like the health recommendations out there aren’t right for you, or like you can’t do it or you’re getting it wrong somehow, I’ve created a guide SPECIFICALLY for KAPHA Mind + Body state.

This guide is full of easy-to-learn, easy-to-implement ideas that will leave you nodding your head and feeling SEEN. You can pick the tools that feel like a heck yes > no need to do it all, everything in here is designed for your specific needs!

  •   Give you all day energy
  •   Get you in the mood to move, with so much joy   
  •   Say buh-bye to inflammation, aches & pains   
  •   Get you craving fresh, vibrant foods  
  •    Motivate you to do life
  •    Make you feel GOOD about yourself & where you're headed

For a fraction of what you'd pay for just one yoga class, you'll gain practical tools and wisdom specific to your experience that can support you for a LIFETIME ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Find your perfect balance with Ayurveda

the complete guide to kapha dosha

Get to know your mind + body through the lens of Ayurveda, the 5,000 year-old science of self care.

Whats inside
  •   The perfect foods for balancing Kapha
  •   Simple balancing lifestyle/daily routine tips
  •   Guide to the 3 Doshas/Ayurvedic mind-body types - Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Get to know yourself, and the unique qualities of the people in your life, through the lens of ancient science
  •   Comprehensive symptom checklist
  •   Lifestyle factors that increase Kapha dosha/cause imbalance
  •   Herbal recommendations

If you’ve been struggling with heaviness, fatigue, lack of motivation, or depression in your days, this guide will give you 2 minute or less simple strategies to drop the chaos and start feeling better today.

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