Your Results Are

Vata Dominant

Air Element

You’re likely experiencing ...

An overwhelmed mind
Feeling anxious, indecisive, lacking a routine or unable to maintain focus and inability to quiet your thoughts

Troubled Digestion
Gassiness or bloating, constipation, pooping dry little balls

Dry skin, cracking joints, Cold extremities, feeling cold all the time
Nervous system tremors/feeling like you’re vibrating

Sleep problems
nsomnia or frequent night wakings

Spinning out
Feeling like you’re losing control, having panic attacks, wondering if you have ADHD

In order to feel your best you need to

Balance Your Dosha

Ayurveda takes a whole body approach to healing. Rather than spot treat your anxiety, your insomnia and your bloating, we treat for too much air, using simple formulas that have worked for thousands of years, to bring the Vata body back to balance. And it’s so much more straightforward than you think.


sure, there’s Diet Changes

But it probably comes down to just a handful of ingredients you need to change, or more likely, just a slight change to the times of day when you’re eating


might be some Herbal Supplements

But not forever, and nothing that costs hundreds of dollars (it’s often herbs that are already in your kitchen)


and of course, Lifestyle Changes

But I’m talking easy, 2-minute practices that make a huge difference (no hours spent in meditation or downward dog)

Get more information on your imbalance

STEP OUT OF THE SPIRAL AND FIND YOUR GROUND With this simple guide designed SPECIFICALLY for Vata dosha


A couple Quick tips on Treating Vata imbalance

If you’re tired of running behind the ball… here’s a few key lifestyle shifts to help you balance on it.



Better yet, massage yourself. An ungrounded vata needs a nervous system reset. Help yourself out with hitting the bathroom for a full body rub down with oil a couple times a week (seriously how great is this assignment?)


The key specifically for Vata, is DINACHARYA. This is the establishment of a repeatable daily routine. Routine doesn't always come easy to Vata-predominant individuals. Your creativity and sheer quantity of thoughts might have you feeling like you're just plain uninterested in doing the same thing every day. BUT THIS IS WHAT WILL SAVE YOU. Creating a habit of waking, eating, moving your body, and going to sleep at the same time every day will feel like you’re finally at home in your own body.


Vata-dominant folks don’t generally thrive on raw food diets, it’s too cooling on your already cool digestive tract. Look to add more warming spices such as cinnamon and ginger to your daily dishes, and consider soups and stews over salad, especially on cold days.

Not all health advice is for you.

In fact, some of the health trends out there would be downright harmful (high intensity cardio, raw food diets, fasting… all a no no for you my friend, you’re off the hook!).


These ideas might seem simple
& that's because they are.

We make life look so much harder than it needs to be. I'm here to tell you, it's little things like this that WILL change your life, one little practice at a time.


Ready for a life of comfort over confusion?

If you’re tired of FADs, tired of feeling like the health recommendations out there aren’t right for you, or like you can’t do it or you’re getting it wrong somehow, I’ve created a guide SPECIFICALLY for VATA Mind + Body state.

This guide is full of easy-to-learn, easy-to-implement ideas that will leave you nodding your head and feeling SEEN. You can pick the tools that feel like a heck yes > no need to do it all, everything in here is designed for your specific needs!

  •   Relax your tense, worried nerves
  •   Give you restful, restorative sleep
  •   Make you feel rooted in your body, and comfortable in your skin
  •   Bring confidence & creativity back to your life
  •   Help you go with the flow, no worries
  •   Make you feel GOOD about yourself & where you're headed. You know it's all going to work out for the best

For a fraction of what you'd pay for just one yoga class, you'll gain practical tools and wisdom specific to your experience that can support you for a LIFETIME ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Find your perfect balance with Ayurveda

the complete guide to vata dosha

Get to know your mind + body through the lens of Ayurveda, the 5,000 year-old science of self care.

Whats inside
  •   The perfect foods for balancing Vata
  •   Simple balancing lifestyle/daily routine tips
  •   Guide to the 3 Doshas/Ayurvedic mind-body types - Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Get to know yourself, and the unique qualities of the people in your life, through the lens of ancient science
  •   Comprehensive symptom checklist
  •   Lifestyle factors that increase Vata dosha/cause imbalance
  •   Herbal recommendations

If you’ve been struggling with low energy, insomnia, anxiety or overwhelm in your days, this guide will give you 2 minute or less simple strategies to drop the chaos and start feeling better today.

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