photo credit Erin Stoneman Photography


I am a certified Ayurvedic health counsellor, but I was not raised in ayurvedic culture or tradition.

I was raised in white culture, following no religious belief.

I was raised with no connection to spirit, 
… or the land, 
… or the food on my plate.

I was raised to be, do and have it all, quickly and conveniently. To rush and hurry and worry through life. I was raised to value myself less, as a member of the female gender.

Raised to bottle my emotions, and reach for sugar, alcohol, shopping + sex for comfort.

Raised to ask the Doctor what was wrong before asking myself. 

Raised to not know myself.


Ayurveda is the science of the self. It’s the study of the human body, mind, and spirit, and how it relates to and is affected by it’s environment (everything we take in with our 5 senses).

Ayurveda teaches us to find balance and stability in a world that is inherently imbalanced. These teachings offer simple tools from nature, and practices done without the need for equipment.


The teachings of Ayurveda are a gift.

A breath of fresh air and simplicity that is lacking in western “health & fitness” practices.

As an overwhelmed, overweight, exhausted, anxious and depressed mother of 2 children under 5 with a full time, underpaid job and a husband who worked out of town,

I didn’t need a workout routine.

I didn’t need supplements, patches or vitamin shakes.

I didn’t need a restrictive diet.

I needed rest.

I needed silence; a pause from the overstimulation.

I needed oxygen; room to breathe.

I needed to come home to my body, and heal my nervous system.

The study of Ayurveda brought me home. In just 3 months of practicing DINACHARYA - an Ayurvedic daily routine, I was back to my body’s comfortable weight, mentally calm and balanced, capable, energized, playful… for the first time in my life I felt like I knew myself.

It has become my life’s work to continue the study of Ayurveda, for myself and my community. I am honored to be a part of bringing these great teachings to the west, to teach Ayurveda as it applies to our busy, modern western lives, and to help normalize daily self care practices and communion with nature for all.

I would like to give thanks to my teachers to date:

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