Your Results Are

Pitta Dominant

Fire Element

You’re likely experiencing ...

A Stressed & Angry Mind
Feeling irritable, impatient, reactive, critical of yourself and others

Troubled Digestion
Hot digestion, heartburn, loose bowel movements, excess thirst & bad breath, sour smelling sweat

Body Pain
Sharp aches or pains, or migraines, inflammation, redness, rashes and hot flashes

Sleep Problems
Insomnia or disturbed sleep, night sweats

Burning the candle at both ends, chronic fatigue, adrenal burnout

In order to feel your best you need to

Balance Your Dosha

Ayurveda takes a whole body approach to healing. Rather than spot treat your migraines, your insomnia and your stress, we treat for too much fire, using simple formulas that have worked for thousands of years to bring the pitta body back to balance. And it’s so much more straightforward than you think.


sure, there’s Diet Changes

But it probably comes down to just a handful of ingredients you need to change, or more likely, just a slight change to the times of day when you’re eating


might be some Herbal Supplements

But not forever, and nothing that costs hundreds of dollars (it’s often herbs that are already in your kitchen)


and of course, Lifestyle Changes

But I’m talking easy, 2-minute practices that make a huge difference (no hours spent in meditation or downward dog)

get more information on your imbalance

COOL DOWN BEFORE YOU BURN OUT with this simple guide designed specifically for Pitta Dominance


A couple Quick tips on Treating pitta imbalance

If you've been feeling like your chill has left the party lately, here's a taste of what Ayurveda offers to help you find balance.



Nature has all the opposite qualities of Pitta. It’s cool, calming, and grounded. In Ayurveda, we seek to bring balance through opposites. Folks with healthy amounts of Pitta are great at taking action. You’ve got that on lock. What you actually need is INACTION. Embrace doing nothing - understand that you’re actually doing something when you’re doing “nothing.” (seriously how great is this assignment?)


Pitta-dominant folks need to find space for joy. They need to dance and let themselves be free. No need to take up running or join a rugby team - that will only create more heat, and you’ve got enough of that. Try the chill activities you might’ve avoided up until now, like yoga or meditation. And no, my dear, I do not mean hot yoga.


(Just a little, don’t hate me). Coffee, hot sauce, and sugar are like lighter fluid for Pitta. These foods dial up your internal heat, which in turn dials up pitta aggression, your drive, and your tendency to burn the candle at both ends. Pitta imbalance sometimes leads to heartburn, red rashes, indigestion, or migraines, and these things will only make it worse. If giving up coffee feels like giving up on life, try reducing your intake of coffee to one cup a day, or better yet, switch to matcha for its added calming benefits.

Not all health advice is for you.

In fact, some of the health trends out there would be downright harmful (ahem, I'm talking to you kombucha. Ferments are a no no for someone with too much pitta).


These ideas might seem simple
& that's because they are.

We make life look so much harder than it needs to be. I'm here to tell you, it's little things like this that WILL change your life, one little practice at a time.

finding your chill

feeling the burn of too much pitta?

I’ve created a guide SPECIFICALLY for PITTA Mind + Body state.

This guide is full of easy-to-learn, easy-to-implement ideas that will leave you nodding your head and feeling SEEN. These simple practices are MOST beneficial for Pitta > no wasting your time, everything in here is designed for your specific needs!

  •   Relax your muscles & nerves
  •   Get you restful, restorative sleep
  •   Say buh-bye to burnout
  •   Get you responding instead of reacting
  •   Organize your thoughts in a laid back way
  •   Fill your days with peaceful positivity

For a fraction of what you'd pay for just one yoga class, you'll gain practical tools and wisdom specific to your experience that can support you for a LIFETIME ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Find your perfect balance with Ayurveda

the complete guide to Pitta dosha

Get to know your mind + body through the lens of Ayurveda, the 5,000 year-old science of self care.

Whats inside
  •   The perfect foods for balancing Pitta
  •   Simple balancing lifestyle/daily routine tips
  •   Guide to the 3 Doshas/Ayurvedic mind-body types - Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Get to know yourself, and the unique qualities of the people in your life, through the lens of ancient science
  •   Comprehensive symptom checklist
  •   Lifestyle factors that increase Pitta dosha/cause imbalance
  •   Herbal recommendations

If you’ve been struggling with irritability, anger, insomnia or burnout in your days, this guide will give you 2 minute or less simple strategies to drop the chaos and start feeling better today.

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