Find Your Perfect Fall Evening Routine - QUIZ!
Your Perfect Fall Evening
Take the Quiz to Find Your Perfect Ritual
The Habit Ayurveda
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Fall is a season of cozy sweaters, warm drinks, and early sunsets. It’s the perfect time to create an evening routine that not only winds down your day but also supports your body and mind as they adjust to the cooler, slower vibes of the season. And here’s the best part: your ideal routine isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s shaped by your unique mind-body state (otherwise known as your ‘vikruti dosha’), giving you exactly what you need to unwind.
Take this quick quiz to discover whether you're experiencing a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha imbalance this season and learn which evening routine is best for you!
Quick Quiz: Which ENERGY is Dominating Your Evenings?
Choose the answer that resonates with you most for each question. If none are a fit, skip the question :).
1. How would you describe your energy when evening rolls around?
A) My mind is all over the place; I’m overwhelmed and can’t seem to relax. I feel like I was busy all day, but also like I didn’t get anything done.
B) I’m tired but there’s a lot to do so I’m doing it. Sometimes I get frustrated or irritable in the evenings because I’m cleaning up after others
C) I’m already feeling heavy and ready to lie down. I probably should go for a walk or something… maybe tomorrow
2. What’s your typical evening craving?
A) Random snacks, I have trouble calming down and crave something to numb or distract me
B) Something spicy or salty, or a glass of wine/beer/cocktail
C) Rich, comforting foods—maybe chocolate or a creamy dessert, or maybe a joint/some weed. I tend to overeat in the evenings for sure
3. What’s your default evening activity if you’re feeling a bit off?
A) Distracting myself with scrolling, stuck in freeze response.
B) Ticking something off my to-do list, stress-cleaning while muttering resentful thoughts about my family, or squeezing in a quick workout
C) Sinking into the couch with a blanket and watching tv, avoiding my to-dos
4. How’s your digestion feeling after dinner?
A) A little off—I often feel bloated or uncomfortable. Sometimes I don’t eat enough dinner or eat dinner super late, other days I just snack through the whole evening
B) Pretty normal, though sometimes I’m a bit hot or irritable, wake in the night feeling hot, or have loose poops
C) Slow and heavy, like my body needs a jumpstart. I get tired after dinner. I feel snacky even though I just ate
5. How do you feel about tackling household chores or responsibilities in the evening?
A) I avoid them— there’s just too much to do. Sometimes I’ll put things in piles to deal with later or start a project but not finish it.
B) I like getting things done; I feel accomplished if I check things off my list, even if I feel burned out and my body is asking for rest
C) I’ll do them if necessary, but I prefer relaxing or doing as little as possible. I don’t care if the house is a mess
6. How’s your sleep these days?
A) I struggle to settle down to sleep. When I turn off my phone/the tv my mind races. I wake frequently in the night
B) I head to bed mentally wired, running through my mental to-do list, jotting down thoughts for tomorrow.
C) I sleep heavily but wake up feeling unrested/groggy. I could sleep all night and still have a nap the next day.
Tally Your Results
Count up how many A’s, B’s, or C’s you have:
Mostly A’s: You’re likely experiencing a Vata imbalance this season. 👉 Too much air and ether/ungrounded energy. You’re so stuck in your head you might float away! You need grounding my dear.
Mostly B’s: You’re leaning towards a Pitta imbalance. 👉 Too much FIRE. You’re overdoing it. You tend to burn the candle at both ends and it’s burning you out. You’re allowed to chill - in fact it’s your medicine.
Mostly C’s: You’re feeling a Kapha imbalance. 👉 Too much EARTH & WATER energy. You’re heavy, sluggish, stuck in the mud. Lack of motivation has taken over and you just can’t seem to get unstuck. It’s time to shake things up a bit!
Your Ideal Fall Evening Routine
For Vata Imbalance (Mostly A’s)
As the season of wind and movement, Vata can easily get imbalanced in fall. Here’s your cozy, grounding evening routine:
Warm Foot Soak and Self-Massage: Enjoy a warm foot soak with a few drops of lavender essential oil, then apply sesame or castor oil to your feet and legs for a calming, grounding effect.
Slow Yin Yoga: Try a few slow, restorative yoga poses that focus on grounding, like child’s pose or legs-up-the-wall (even if it’s with your phone in your hand 😜)
Medicinal Herbal Tea: Brew a soothing chamomile, tulsi or ashwagandha tea to ground your nerves, adding honey & milk for warmth and grounding.
For Pitta Imbalance (Mostly B’s)
Pitta can leave you feeling restless or overly driven at night. To cool down your energy, try:
Facial Mask: Apply an aloe vera or cucumber mask to cool down and soothe any excess heat, OR, a mask of rose, honey and plain yogurt to increase the sweetness in your evening (without downing a bunch of sugar and feeling spastic)
Creative Outlet: Dedicate 20 minutes to a passion project, like writing, sketching, dancing, or painting. Give all that energy a positive and relaxing direction to flow
Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana): Practice this breathing technique to calm the mind and cool down the body, helping release any leftover intensity from the day.
For Kapha Imbalance (Mostly C’s)
Kapha can make you feel heavy or overly tired. Here’s a routine to refresh and energize:
Gentle Stretching or a walk: Whether it’s a walk around the block or rolling around stretching in front of the tv, make it non-negotiable to move your body in the evening. This will help your digestion and give you a more restful sleep.
Warm, Spiced Drink: Try a golden milk latte with turmeric, ginger, and a dash of cinnamon to boost your digestive fire.
Invigorating Self-Massage: Use a dry brush or a little warming oil (like mustard or sesame) to massage your body, focusing on quick, light strokes to stimulate your circulation.
Embrace the Power of One Small Ritual
Adding just one intentional practice to your evening can create a ripple effect on your mind and body, helping you ease into each night with balance and intention. By using practices that bring the opposite energy to what you’re feeling—warmth and grounding for a scattered Vata, cool & calming for a fiery Pitta, and lightness & energizing for a sluggish Kapha—you’re helping your body find its natural harmony.
Whether it’s jotting down a few thoughts, getting creative, or cozying up with a warm drink, each of these small rituals is designed to meet your unique needs, and calm your unique symptoms of imbalance.
These are the little things that add up to BIG changes. xo
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