Insomnia? Here's 5 Simple Tips.

Insomnia. It's the worst.


I hate the kind where I've been over-doing it so much that my brain feels too fried to sleep.
(this is pitta-type insomnia. If you don't know what that means but you know you experience it, click here).

... but what I hate even more, is the kind that wakes me up - and KEEPS me up - in the middle of the night.

.. with racing thoughts,

... and restless legs.

The kind of insomnia that leaves me tossing and turning, and then exhausted and anxious the next day.

THIS is VATA insomnia.

When sleep loss becomes a regular occurrence, we’re taxed mentally, physically, and emotionally, and our judgment is often painfully impaired.

We want nothing more than to sleep, but we’re often afraid that we won’t be able to, which compounds anxiousness and stress, further inhibiting our ability to surrender to sleep.

I've talked to SO many wonderful humans who are facing this right now, and in case you're one of them, I wanted to share the things that have really helped me.

  1. Nourish your body and nervous system with an oil massage. Doesn't matter what kind. If you have organic olive oil, great. Take a little jar of it and give your whole body a rub down. The word for oil in sanskrit is SNEHA. The word for love? is SNEHA.

  2. Drink a cup of warm milk (or alternative) with brahmi powder.

  3. Turn down the lights and turn off the screens, especially an hour before bed. Give the brain and body a break from all the stimulation. Come home to yourself.

  4. Try calming scents like chamomile, lavender, maybe in a warm bath with epsom salts and candlelight. Yeah.

  5. Use a sleep mask, a white noise machine, a weighted blanket. All such wonderful tools for the light sleepers of the world.

Especially during the winter months Vata imbalance can throw even the deepest of sleepers off their game. I use these 5 tools almost daily, and they truly make all the difference.

Insomnia is a common symptom of vata imbalance, and often shows up alongside other indicators of a more serious health problem.

I've got a free class all about it. I'd love to help.
Click here to grab a spot in the Dosha Class.