Is Fasting Right for You?

I don't know if you've noticed, but fasting is kinda popular right now.

ayurveda intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting
Full day fasting

Dave Asprey - the creator of bulletproof coffee - has a free course on all things fasting, including how to do a 3-4 day spiritual fast.

NOW BEFORE YOU RUN AWAY AND GOOGLE THAT - just hold up a second. Let’s talk.

As we in the west tend to do with our “modern science”, there are many fasting gurus who will give you a TON of information about the best way to fast.

Inside the top "ultimate guide-to-all-that-is-fasting" books and courses you’ll find things like:

Recommendations on complete blood panel testing to see exactly how your body responds to carbohydrates,

Suggestions on foods that you want to avoid that cause “hunger spikes”, such as kale.

Recommendations for the ideal time for exercise, to trigger your body to metabolize food more effectively.


Hella overwhelming.

We think we want all this information….
We want to be ultra informed. I do it too.
But here’s the thing,

When someone first suggested that I dish out $1000 for this full blood panel/urine analysis/saliva testing to tell me exactly what’s making me feel not great, I honestly thought to myself 

“well… I already KNOW that there’s a lot of things I'm doing that make me feel not great. Why spend money to have someone tell me what I already know?”

Can you relate?

These tests show us what foods we should be avoiding, or what lifestyle shifts we should be making for better health.

… and unless you’re already practicing moderation,
exercising daily,
properly spacing your meals with no snacks,
putting down your phone,
getting good sleeps
… imma guess your body already knows what would make you feel better.

The trouble with all this scientific data is that it doesn't account for where we currently are.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that eating less kale is going to be the key to fat loss at this stage in my health journey.

As a human with working hours, little kids, all the responsibilities, etc, knowing the best time to work out is great… but ANY time is better than not at all.

Know what I mean?

When there’s too much information, you’re likely to give up.
When there’s too many changes at once, you’re likely to give up.
When there’s too much restriction, you’re likely to give up.
When the “ideal protocol” doesn't fit your schedule, you’re likely to give up.

So instead of going down a data rabbit hole in the search for perfect health - why not just start with this:

Paying attention to how what you’re eating makes you feel.

Your body is smart as all get out. Indigestion, “meat sweats”, caffeine shakes, afternoon sugar crashes, food hangovers… all clear signals from the body that “hey we overindulged on some stuff”, or “hey that food doesn’t really make me feel vibrant”.

Everyday wellbeing is simple AF my friend. And it starts with the question “what makes me feel vibrant”. That’s it.

The real work is in listening to the answer your body is giving you, and honoring it. If you can nail THIS skill, you’re golden.

Enjoy your kale… and whatever else makes you feel lit ;)


P.s - fasting is definitely not new science. Intermittent fasting (otherwise known as proper meal spacing) has been a foundational practice in Ayurvedic tradition for forever, and is totally worth the hype - so many benefits.

If you’ve never tried intermittent fasting, you don’t need a book to do it. Just make your last meal 3-4 hours before you go to bed, and then don't eat again for 14-16 hours (14 is good, 16 is great). Just WAIT till you see how vibrant that makes you feel!

P.p.s - Inside Everyday Ayurveda we go deep on your relationship with food. If you’re done with big new trendy diets that don’t stick - click here and join us today.

p.p.p.s - Wanna watch a free class on Ayurveda before diving into a course? I got you. Click here to check out the class.

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