How to Use Yoga to Crush Your Goals


The word "Yoga" means union or connection with oneself, and the path of a yogi is eight-fold. There are 8 “limbs” or focuses - the asanas (yoga postures), being only one of them. 

The other 7?
THESE are where the rubber meets the road on your pathway to “enlightenment”
(I’m actually stunned that yoga as it is in western culture is so popular without these gems of wisdom). 

Here’s the thing. I have stood in many a yoga class, feeling disconnected

And I was always like “Damn.”, because I went to yoga class and stretched and sun saluted and tried to be quiet in my brain in an attempt to become zen af....only to find myself in a room with a variety of women doing the same thing I was doing, as unsuccessfully as I was.

With each movement through a series of postures, we'd sneak glances of ourselves in the large mirrors. We'd check our posture, pull up our pants, and quickly glance at the others in the room, comparing ourselves to them and their progress. 

I didn't feel good about myself, and I didn't let go of all the things I set out to let go of in that 60 minutes.

But I persevered. I continued my yoga practice (forced and unsuccessfully), for 13 years… when I finally discovered there were 7 MISSING PIECES. 

Seven Lightbulb Moments.

Yoga isn’t just stretching. The 8-fold path is literally a roadmap to BLISS.


#1 - THE YAMAS -

Self Restraints, with focus on the harmonisation of one’s social interactions. Basic rules for not being a jerk, including non-violence, truthfulness, honesty, non-possessiveness and divine conduct.


Disciplines that harmonise one's inner feelings and attitudes. Basic rules for treating yourself well, including cleanliness, contentment, endurance, faith, and self-study.

#3 - ASANA -

The yoga postures. Movements to release physical and mental tension.


Controlled intake and outflow of breath. How to not breathe in a way that keeps you stressed all day (p.s if you’re the type to breathe shallow into your chest and not let your belly out you’re probably doing that).


Drawing the senses inward. Basic rules for not overwhelming yourself with binge-watching, binge-scrolling, binge-listening, binge-eating, binge-allthethingsallthetime.

#6 - DHARANA -

State of focused attention. Basic rules for not labelling yourself as a “multitasker” and then never giving anything 100% of your focus and feeling bagged because of it.

#7 - DHYANA -

Meditation. Learning to be quiet, outside and inside.

#8 - SAMADHI -

Bliss, baby.

See what I mean? More than stretches.

When you study the 8 limbs of yoga a lot of questions come up around who you want to be in this one and only life. How do you want to act? What do you want to have? After 33 years, I finally got to know myself, and what I actually wanted. 

And then it hit me; 

Yogic philosophy is a WICKED way to Manifest your dreams.

The 8-fold path helped me set really clear goals for myself. 

I learned that setting goals isn’t about the end result, it’s about what I want my life experience to be, no matter where I am on the way to those goals. 

And when I put my focus on how I want to feel in every moment, instead of focusing on the things that in the moment feel just out of reach… 

I just keep crushing my goals.

So this September in the Everyday Ayurveda course, members are invited to a BONUS WORKSHOP AND GUIDE on Manifestation Through the 8 Limbs of Yoga.


The super-actionable guide is packed with modern day application of centuries old wisdom and journal prompts to help you guide yourself to the best version of you.

You’re going back to school for your favorite subject; YOU.

This might just be the perfect month for you to start your Ayurveda journey with a free class. Click here to check it out.

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