Two things you can do today if you’re Exhausted

I have a client with three kids. 

Three LITTLE ones. Like, the kind that wake you up multiple times in the night... Every. Single. Night.

“Weee!” (*she says while dying inside)

“Weee!” (*she says while dying inside)


After years of being pregnant and giving birth and nursing and nurturing over and over, here she stands, sleepless and depleted.

Needless to say, she’s beyond exhausted.  

And she’s not the only exhausted woman I work with.

The shift worker,

the 55 hours a week worker,

the single mom,

the woman with the husband out of town,the woman with a mile-long to do list,

the many many women who just have so much on their plates that they just “can’t even deal”.

What can we do to get some freaking rest?!

If you’re tired, I’ve got two tips you can implement TODAY. (CAUTION: it’s really freaking simple. Like so easy to do this, that it also makes it easy NOT to do it… but do do it).


1. Don’t eat after 6pm.

Unless you’re a full-time breastfeeding mom, you likely do not need to eat after 6. Your ancestors didn’t do it. Your body hasn’t evolved to need it. Just don’t do it.

Here’s the thing; digesting food takes energy. And when you go to sleep at night, your body really really wants to use your energy stores to perform the standard functions of detoxing your body and flushing out old cells to make space for happy healthy new ones. When you eat before bed, you’re putting your body to the task of digesting instead of resting.

Love those late night snacks? I’m not saying you shouldn’t have them (within reason), I’m saying try having them after lunch. In 3 days you’ll be thanking me.

2. If you’re tired… GO TO SLEEP.

Yup, that sounds ridiculously obvious. But do you do it?

I can’t tell you how often I talk to clients who push, push, push through their evening responsibilities, and they finally check off the final box on that list, what do they do?

They stare at their screens through squinty eyes, hitting “next episode” more times than they like to admit to me.

I know it, you know it. Scrolling on social media or watching tv when you’re tired is NOT self care. You are most likely of the generation who did not grow up with smartphones, or the ability to binge-watch. It’s time to remember that there IS a long list of other things one can do with their “me time”... with a lot less harmful effects. Shut down those screens and find something else to do for AT LEAST 1 hour (preferably 3) before bed.

Don’t want to give up hanging on the couch with your fave shows? I’m not saying you have to forever, but if you’re hormonally depleted (new moms), experiencing exhaustion, insomnia, night waking, grogginess, anxiety or depression, your body is pleading for rest. It is most certainly worth it to try this out (and your shows will still be there when you get back).

Ayurveda is extremely straight-forward. Often the only thing stopping us from using these simple tools is our thoughts about it. I’d love to hear, what do you think about closing your kitchen at 6, and turning off your screens?

Hop into the comments and let me know,

xo C.

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