Have you ever heard of Yoni Steaming?

Guess what? 

I have DELIGHTFUL periods. 

yoni steaming ayurveda

It’s a thing ladies, and I’m going to tell you what it’s like and how I got there. 

For reference, let me tell you what my monthly cycle looked like before:

Days 1-3 of my period included - 

  • inconveniently heavy flow (goodbye favorite pants, I still think about you every day)

  • Migraines that lasted 3-5 days, 

  • intense pelvic and back pain

  • and the tendency to sleep for a million hours and cry if anyone woke me.

Days 4-6 of my period had me feeling absolutely drained, dragging myself around the house and into work and complaining non-stop about how hard life is.

Days 7-14 of the monthly cycle of my hormones were the small window of the month when my husband wanted to be around me.

Then on day 15 when my estrogen dropped it would trigger another 3-5 day migraine, taking me to pms week which welcomed more headaches, full body inflammation and pain, and high levels of rage.

The most fun. 

Can you relate?

If so I’ve got great news. This ISN’T NORMAL. 

Women have not evolved to feel this way through the month, and there are many many simple, centuries old practices that can turn things around so your new normal is just going with the flow.

The First thing I did was flush my body of a LOT of toxic buildup with some new daily routines from the good old wisdom of Ayurveda. (have you taken the ayurveda class yet?). 

These are minutes long practices that just make your body function better, leading to less spikes of angry stress hormones, less inflammatory pain, less insane levels of fatigue.

Once I had the daily stuff dialed, I wanted to go deeper into my “divine feminine wisdom” (aka learn more about how to feel like a powerful AF woman every dang day). 


It took me a long time to wrap my head around yoni steaming. I learned about it many years ago and it went like this:

Step 1 - google what a yoni is.
Step 2 - google yoni steaming.
Step three - dismiss it as some woo woo bullsh*t and carry on.

Oh if I could reach back to my twenty-eight year old self and embrace her in some real self care practices! But alas, she was too busy “self-caring” with wine and deep gossip sessions.

Fast forward to 2020, and as part of my Ayurvedic education I was once again introduced to this ultra feminine experience
… but this time I tried it
and it blew my damn mind.

After one steam, I had the sleep of a lifetime
After two steams, I had the most easeful period EVER. I’m talking zero cramps, no clots, no extreme fatigue or crankiness. It was freaking delightful, and has been ever since.
After four months, my cycle began to increase in length consistently (which is so so exciting for a woman who for years got her period every three weeks)

This my friends is not woo woo. (A term relating to thoughts and beliefs holding little or no scientific basis).  Ayurveda is over 5,000 years old. Its practices have in many ways been studied in further depth than any western medical approach ever has.

In many holistic healing modalities yoni steaming is recommended. It’s been shown to heal an immense array of female discomforts including:

  • Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation

  • Decrease in heavy menstrual flow, clearing of blood clots

  • Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles

  • More rapid healing and a toning of the reproductive system after giving birth

  • Eases discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis

  • Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar

  • Helps to restore bacterial and ph balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis and odors

  • Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain

  • Supports complete cycles pre-menopause

Seriously… all of this from grabbing some select herbs, boiling some “tea”, and popping a squat over the pot, pantsless, watching modern family.

Howwww is every woman not taught about this???

Thankfully, we live in an evolving world.
One where women’s cycles aren’t so hush hush.
Where we don’t have to hide our symptoms of discomfort or pretend they don’t exist or just take another Tylenol and believe there’s no other answer.

There’s an answer my love, it's been around for centuries.

In the month of August, on top of the 8 habits of a well and balanced life that are SO IMPORTANT for busy/overwhelmed women to adopt, Everyday Ayurveda course members receive a bonus guide and masterclass on all things yoni steaming. 

ayurveda yoni steam

The guide includes:

  • How to assess your symptoms to determine the best steam schedule for you

  • A list of the most commonly used herbs and their effect on the body, helping you craft your perfect custom steam blend

  • Tools for deepening your practice - mantras, mudras, chakra alignment.

  • PLUS the many ways members can share their steam experience to win prizes inside our private facebook group (that’s right, I buy presents for people for taking good care of themselves)

If your body is craving some ease in these crazy days (and maybe even a little yoni steaming.. you know you wanna try it), then now is the perfect time to say yes to joining the Everyday Ayurveda course.

You might even get in on this bonus guide.
… (I might even get you a gift). 

Want to learn more?
Check out the Free class I’ve got going on right now: 3 Secrets to Designing the Perfect Day for Your Dosha and start your Ayurveda journey today.

xo C

Carly BanksComment