Heal Yourself with Chocolate.

Oh my goodness you HAVE TO TRY THIS RECIPE!

Hormone Balancing, pleasure increasing, creamy as all get out herbal truffles?!

Um yes please.

Um yes please.


I ADORE making chocolates. Creamy, rich, only as sweet as I want them to be, and GUILT. FREE.

Thank you, yes I’ll have another.

Thank you, yes I’ll have another.


The recipe is super versatile. Simply mix up the base ingredients, and then add any extras you desire, from peanut butter and rice crispies, to peppermint and lavender essential oil.

As an Ayurvedic health counselor I like to give my clients options for how they take their supplements. Why buy another plastic bottle of pills (that’ll surely end up expired at the back of your supplement cupboard), when you can take your daily herbs in the form of a delicious latte, or even …. chocolate?

Into my chocolates I add herbs for energy, mental clarity, adrenal support, relaxation, healthy digestion and more.
(want to know the perfect herbs to add to your chocolates? Click here to learn about building your own apothecary).

Today, I add herbs that promote L.O.V.E

Watch today’s video to learn more about the benefits of each ingredient in these super-good-for-you chocolates…

Oh my goodness you HAVE TO TRY THIS RECIPE!Hormone Balancing, pleasure increasing, creamy as all get out herbal truffles?! Um yes please.BASE INGREDIENTS½ cu...


Ayurvedic Hormone Balancing Salted Rose Chocolate

A simple, inexpensive + delicious solution to stress + period problems


  • ½ cup coconut oil

  • ¼ cup raw cacao powder

  • ⅛ cup maple syrup (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons almond butter

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

  • Pinch of salt


  • 2 tbsp Shatavari - Translated as "she with the strength for 100 husbands", this adaptogenic herb has been used for centuries to bring balance to female reproductive hormones, and ease to the nervous system.

  • 1 tbsp powdered Rose petals - YES! You can eat roses (food grade ones), and they are so sweet and grounding. Known as the "mother of all plants", rose brings about feelings of being supported, and increases our loving approach to life.

  • A sprinkle of course Himalayan salt


In a saucepan on low heat, stir all ingredients (except course salt) until well melted bit not boiling. Pour into silicone molds and top with a sprinkle of course salt. Makes approx. 12 servings. Set in fridge. Keep in fridge or freezer to keep the chocolates from melting.

I have so many more combinations for creamy herbal chocolates to share! For more custom herbal chocolate recipes and to create your own herbal apothecary check out my At-Home Apothecary Toolkit. Click here to learn more.


DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only. Nothing contained in these videos should be construed as providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should immediately consult with your physician respecting any medical concerns that you may have.

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