Cleansing Foods CAN taste AMAZEBALLS.

Proof = This Blueberry, Beet & Basil Bruschetta

It got fancy like a downtown restaurant in my kitchen this week. And in Ayurvedic style, I came up with a concoction to cleanse my bod of Kapha buildup (that slow, congested feeling that comes with spring). The result was something I couldn't not share!

Super quick lowdown on why these ingredients are awesome:

Blueberries - The little blue powerhouses protect the liver, reduce levels of inflammation in blood. support blood vessels and support healthy eyes. They are very high in antioxidants, which prevent aging and cancer. 

Beets - Cleansing and cooling to the blood, beets nourish the liver, and improve the eyesight. Beets are good for anemia. Beet juice increases stamina and was used as an aphrodisiac in Roman times. 

Basil - Basil is a powerful healing herb. Whether dealing with a chronic lung condition or acute cold symptoms, basil can help cut through mucus and relieve congestion. Basil is a good anti-bacterial herb with anti-inflammatory properties and a walloping punch of vitamin C. Basil has been shown to stabilize blood sugar, tone the kidneys, reduce cholesterol, and aid in weight loss. 

So, yeah. You're welcome for this recipe.

Blueberry, Beet & Basil Bruschetta.png

Let me know what you think in the comments below!