Ayurveda is a nearly 7,000 year old science

(…Nobel Prize winning science at that).

In other words, nope, Ayurveda is not a religion! Ayurvedic study teaches us how to take care of ourselves in the most effective way possible, to create more space and energy for the things that matter most.

Here are a few things this ancient science teaches us:

  • how our physical body works

  • how our hormones function

  • how our organs function

  • how to support our digestion

  • how to create healthy sleep rhythms

  • how to support healthy daily energy

  • how to move from fight-or-flight to rest and restore mode

Ayurveda even teaches you which types of movement and foods will be most effective in keeping you healthy and balanced.

What this science teaches you is to treat your body like a temple.

Everything we need for health and happiness is found when we go inward. Into your physiology. Caring for the functions of your body.
These are the practices of Ayurveda, tending to this one and only “house” you get to live in. Indeed, creating rituals around your self care can almost feel like a religious act, because it’s a universal act of love.

The nice thing about Ayurveda is that the practices you’ll learn take just a few moments! I engineer my programs and classes to teach these ancient practices in a way that is easy to bring into your schedule. One thing you’ll learn in my Everyday Ayurveda course is how your agni, your digestive fire, is highest at mid-day, making it the best time of day to eat your largest meal! Super straight-forward, AND EFFECTIVE.

These simple shifts have worked for thousands of year to promote balance! It’s not a religion, but it’s a science that teaches us how to support our body by turning within.

Don’t you want to add some everyday awesome to your life?

We live in a modern world and sometimes we’re out of alignment, but it’s all about balance! Watch the video above to hear a few of the simple, effective shifts I teach my students that are proven by science and thousands of years of practice to help you feel well and balanced! (Short on time? Join my newsletter for Ayurveda awesomeness delivered right to your inbox.)


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