So I went to this email marketing conference in Boise Idaho.
Which is so random. And also the best ever. If you haven't been to Boise, you're missing out on some life there.
Conferences are fascinating. This one particularly so thanks to being sponsored by a graphic design company called "Design Pickle".
The welcome bags featured a sealed single serving massive pickle.
They served pickle cupcakes.
There were pickles in the champagne.
There were pickles break dancing in the lobby (people dressed as pickles that is).
It was a very pickle forward conference.
On top of that it was everything I could have hoped for from a conference.
Motivating, clarifying workshops.
Inspiring speakers... like, I was starstruck (#marketingnerd).
The leaders and professionals and wisdom-givers at this event had it all figured out. They defaulted to generosity, meaning it was crystal clear that their driving force for the work they do was to help others (so much so that we were all gifted t-shirts that said "default to generosity"). They had each developed a service or a product, to help someone else, and they were connecting with those someone's and helping them grow.
... and did I mention they MAKE BANK?
like, millions. Millionaires. I have never stood in a space with so many.
On the last day there was, of course, an after party. And oh my goodness, it was bonkers.
Light up dance floor? check.
Misty smoke guns? check.
Everyone wearing laser glasses? sure.
A make your own gif selfie booth? yup let's do that.
Random foods hanging from the ceiling? I'll take that paper cone full of mini doughnuts please.
And DANCING. So much dancing. To all the pop hits.
And this is where it all came together for me. On the dance floor. With the millionaires and the inspiring wisdom-givers. Watching everyone dance their laser glasses off while singing along to Taylor Swift's shake it off.
These people are just humans. Just BRAVE HUMANS.
They live their life just outside of their comfort zone, knowing that there's growth on the other side.
Now, I'll clarify here that to me, in this sector of the product & service provider realm, being a millionaire means you have been a MASSIVE support to thousands of people. It's not the money in the bank that's the goal. It's the support. The reach. The growth of something you feel so passionate about you can taste it every morning when you wake up.
And these people are taking that passion every day and then doing the thing that scares them, in the name of making life more awesome for themselves and for other people. They want to take their passion and spread it around, feeding passion to every life they touch.
And for every one of them the story was the same. They just started. They chose something that wasn't working quite right; some discomfort in their lives, and started to shift it. And then chose something else.
There is no WORK life vs. HOME life. There's just life. And your feeling of balance and bravery within it.
You wanna see what lies just outside your comfort zone? Trust me, you do. And it can start with the simplest little shifts you could imagine.
xo Carly
On the right? That's Nathan. He's the CEO of Convertkit, and has not only helped thousands of online service providers reach the people who need their services, but also threw this rad conference.
On the left? That's Josh. He makes custom chinchilla cages. LOTS OF THEM. And I have never met someone so excited about doing that, and he's inspiring. There's room here for all of us.