Ayurveda for Immunity

Today’s video topic probably isn’t surprising. I’m talking about CORONAVIRUS.

or any other virus really,

and more specifically, how to boost your immunity to avoid them.

Because whether you’re in the camp of people stockpiling toilet paper,
or someone assuming surely it’ll blow over soon,
or somewhere in between,

one thing is for certain - if you’re in the northern hemisphere, you’re in a season of being more susceptible to colds of all flavors.

In today's video I've got 7 very simple daily home practices that boost the immunity and protect the body from viruses.

To avoid contracting illness we need whole body well-being:

  • Proper Hydration

  • Detoxification

  • Lubrication

  • Healthy Digestion

  • Sleep

  • Good circulation.

Thankfully achieving all of these things on a daily basis is easy with the right tools!

Ayurveda offers us a wonderful array of simple actions, food recommendations and herbal remedies easy to implement in your daily routine through this virus season. Check out the video link or read on for 7 of my top immune boosting tips!

7 tips to avoid Coronavirus

(… or any other virus)

  1. Drink water upon waking.

    Up to 4 cups room temperature water first thing in the morning helps to flush out toxins processed through the body over night.

  2. Scrape your tongue.

    Tongue scraping gently removes germs, bacteria and toxins from the mouth. A wonderfully simple immunity booster.

  3. Oil your nostrils.

    Nasal oiling protects the body from germs. try adding 50 drops sesame oil, 1 drop eucalyptus, and 1 drop lavender essential oil to a dropper bottle. Each morning place a couple drops on your finger and rub inside the nostrils.

  4. Ginger before meals.

    To boost your digestive fire (known as AGNI in Ayurveda), reduce gas and move food through the body more effectively, eat a couple thin slices of fresh ginger before your meals.

  5. Take turmeric after dinner.

    Another huge digestive support, turmeric can also serve to soothe digestive discomfort, and is a great immunity booster. For a delicious evening drink with an added Ayurvedic immune booster (astragalus) - head to the latte shop

  6. Chyawanprash for the whole family.

    This super tasty “jam” is made up of 40 Indian herbs to support overall longevity. The main ingredient? AMALAKI. Considered an Indian superfood, and some even say that amalaki has one of the highest known concentrations of vitamin C in the plant kingdom. Best eaten by the spoonful ;)

  7. Breathe through your nose.

    Breathing through the nose increases levels of Nitric Oxide in the body - a huge player in destruction of viruses and parasitic organisms. How simple is that?!

Oh, and I also give a bonus tip at the end of the video ;)

One last point to make for today:

These little actions, and healing herbs are powerful supporters in our fight against illness. But won’t hold a ton of power if you’re also feeding your body a lot of the wrong things. It’ll go a loooooong way if you can dial back on deep fried foods, preservatives, heavy meals, excess alcohol, and excess sugars for the next little while. Give your body a fighting chance.

xo Carly

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